Sculpting the perfect fitness schedule

Author: Kari Jackson

Finding the time to work out can be challenging, especially with a busy schedule. Trying to balance work, errands, a social life, and whatever else life throws at you can sometimes seem impossible. Working out can easily slip through the cracks when life gets crazy. Although it’s easy to skip, it is essential to living a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle. Not only is working out amazing for your body, but it also has many mental benefits.

Before I started working out, I was in the majority of people who saw it as a chore. Hitting the gym or going on a run wasn’t a part of my day that I looked forward to or enjoyed. During the pandemic, I started to work out primarily due to boredom. There wasn’t much else to do, so I went on a daily bike ride. This got me outside and was a great way to exercise while taking in the beautiful nature around me. I eventually got a gym membership and began going to the gym five days a week. As I said, this was not always my favorite thing to do, but I went anyway. After staying consistent, I began to notice results. I started to lift more weight, I had more endurance, and I began to look more toned. Once the results became noticeable, the gym was no longer a chore. I looked forward to going daily, and it became a healthy routine. Of course, there are days when working out isn’t the most appealing idea, but that’s okay! By listening to your body and making the best choice for you, you can keep exercising a positive light in your life.

Now, back to being able to fit this into a hectic schedule… I am the queen of mastering my day and making time for what is important to me. This can sometimes become challenging, but by focusing on what is important to you, you can sculpt a schedule that maximizes productivity. Before I begin a new stage of my life, or if I have a change in my schedule, I like to audit my time. I sit down, look at my set-in-stone priorities, like work, and build my schedule around those tasks. Having a vision board or a calendar allows you to see the gaps within your day. Creating a new habit can be challenging, but adding it to your schedule helps with a successful follow-through. An hour or two gap is a great amount of time to get a workout in. Workouts do not always have to be high in intensity. A twenty-minute walk on a lunch break is a great way to get more steps in, and it is a perfect brain break. Early mornings are also a great time to work out. Nothing is more satisfying than completing a workout before you officially start your day. Yoga is a great early morning activity to get your muscles loose and begin planning for what lies ahead. Working out is different for everyone, so making a plan that best suits your lifestyle is essential for creating the best version of yourself.

I encourage you to sit down and do your own personal time audit. By taking care of yourself now, you are also taking care of your future self. Putting effort into who you are and what you make time for is so important. Working out is great for your body and has endless positive impacts. By finding that extra time in your day to exercise, you can go to bed feeling satisfied and accomplished. Create a schedule you are proud of and take the steps to becoming a better version of yourself!