5 leg exercises to try out

Author: Cha Her

Exercise is an important part of our health as it helps improve our ability to do daily activities. This is especially important for the legs because we use our legs constantly, from walking to places to even standing in line waiting for our Starbuck coffee. This is why I’m going to review 5 must-try leg exercises that can get you to your health and fitness goal.

1.     Jump Squats

If you enjoy squats, try adding a jump to your squat set! This exercise move is a great way to work your quads, glutes, and hips! Jump squats also improve your core muscles. To make this move, stand with your feet hip-distance apart and slowly squat down. Make sure to keep your spine straight when lowering to the squat stands. Jump straight up, and you can decide to keep your hands together or swings your arm upward. You can start doing 5 reps in 2-3 sets and gradually add more.


2.     Glute Bridge

A glute bridge is a killer way to tone your muscles and shape your butt! This exercise works on the gluteus maximus muscles, the largest muscles in the buttocks. The motions also help with hip flexibility. You must lay on your back with your knees bent when doing this move. Make sure to squeeze your glutes and your abs to lift your hips toward the ceiling. Slowly drop your hips down and relax. Since this exercise does not require fast movements, aiming for 3 to 4 sets of 15 reps is good.

3.     Side Leg Raises

This exercise move is excellent if you want to work on balance and the inner thigh. It is super versatile as you can do it anywhere! There are many versions of this exercise. You can do it by laying down on your side or standing up. Whichever one you decide to do, always try to keep your raising leg parallel with your resting leg. If you want it to be a little more challenging, wear a resistance band above your ankles, and resistance training is there!


4.     Curtsey Lunges

I enjoy lunges exercises, but curtsey lunges add more extraness! This exercise works the quads and glutes, but when your leg crosses back and around, it engages other muscles of your leg and hip abductors. To do this move, start like a lunges position but instead of sliding one leg straight back, aim it to the side instead. Fun fact, curtsey lunges are also called crossover lunges!


5.     Calf Raises

So far, most of the exercises we discussed targeted the thigh muscles, but this one will work on your calf! It is excellent for stretching the plantar muscles of your foot and the big muscles of the calf, known as gastrocnemius. This exercise is relatively easy, so you can do as many reps and set as you want. However, make sure to keep your balance intact!

Although we all want to get one step closer to our goals, try to remember to focus on your breathing and take breaks when needed. If you are injured, you won’t get that fantastic tone leg, so know your limit and stop when necessary. I’m a big fan of asking for help. If you are unsure about your form or exercise workout, look into resources such as online videos or seek help from a trainer.

Cha Her